In-house Training resources for students and instructors.
As of 2018, HIFR uses Jones & Barlett’s ‘Fundamentals of Fire Fighter Skills’ – Canadian Third Edition. These manuals are the property of the department and are on loan to the students. Please return the manual when it is no longer needed. Any reference to the manual and it’s pages are for this edition.
As a new member, you will begin your journey as a ‘Rookie’. These members are expected to be learning the fundamentals. You will not be expected to be perfect, yet it is important to put the time and effort into becoming proficient in the skills required. All members of any rank are welcome to ask for additional training. It’s a core requirement of being a fire fighter to keep learning.
The departments certification of fire fighters is provided through the ‘Justice Institute of British Columbia’ (JIBC). Your ‘Evaluator’ is certified by JIBC, and will make use of the JIBC evaluation forms. JIBC will issue your diploma upon completion.
There are 3 levels of fire fighters, each consisting of more and more detailed knowledge and skills. There are additional certifications and specialties that can be obtained once you have achieved the entry requirements.
They are:
Our written exams are done online at the JIBC E-Learning site. Log in using the information provided for you by the Training Officer.
Follow the links for each section and you will jump into more detailed knowledge.