Hornby Island Fire Rescue is located on Hornby Island, on the west coast of British Columbia. We are a volunteer department staffed with 23 members, led by Chief Doug Chinnery.
We have a five-bay firehall commissioned in 2017 that houses our five front line apparatus:
- 2004 American Lefrance pumper with 1050 GPM pump and 1000 gallon storage.
- 1996 Superior tender with 1500 gallon capacity
- 2017 Fort Garry tender with 2000 gallon capacity
- 2000 Crestline ambulance
- 2006 Ford F550 rescue truck containing our forestry, high angle rescue, and auto extrication gear. This truck also contains a 6HP portable pump and a 180 gallon water tank.
Hornby Island is a community that has no central water source, and therefore no hydrant system. We get our water from the ocean, backyard ponds and many water storage tanks that we have distributed around the island. Depending on the location of a fire scene, we may be lucky enough to be able to pump directly out of a good water source. More often than not, however, we’ll be shuttling loads of water with our tanker trucks.