This is what we’ve been up to lately. No names, addresses, or personal information will be mentioned.
Number | Date | Time | Comments |
102 | December 25 | 16:37 | Transport pt. from home to BCAS at Shingle Spit |
101 | December 17 | 08:40 | Transport pt. to clinic, then to BCAS on Denman |
100 | December 17 | 01:26 | Transport pt. to clinic |
099 | December 13 | 13:34 | Transport pt. to clinic |
098 | December 08 | 10:00 | Transport pt. from clinic to HELI ambulance |
097 | December 3 | 07:00 | DO called for possible fire somewhere on the island as seen from off shore |
096 | November 24 | 11:42 | False Alarm – smoke alarm ringing but no smoke |
095 | November 19 | 09:59 | Transport pt. from clinic to BCAS at Shingle Spit |
094 | November 5 | 15:00 | Conduct a Fire Drill at the School |
093 | November 6 | 10:30 | Transfer pt. from Clinic directly to BCAS at the clinic |
092 | November 4 | 09:36 | Transport pt. to clinic and back home again |
091 | November 3 | 12:43 | Transport pt. from home to BCAS on Denman |
090 | October 31 | 19:30 | Fireworks at the School |
089 | October 18 | 21:04 | Push car out of ditch and off the road |
088 | October 18 | 16:08 | Transport pt. to BCAS on Denman |
087 | October 17 | 11:05 | Transport pt to clinic, then to BCAS on Denman |
086 | October 13 | 10:58 | Transport pt. to clinic, then transfer pt. to BCAS on Denman |
085 | October 12 | 18:29 | Transport patient from clinic to BCAS on Denman |
084 | October 02 | 02:18 | Medical call |
083 | October 01 | 09:23 | Respond to beach fire |
082 | September 22 | 10:03 | Cordon off area of downed power line |
081 | September 21 | 22:50 | Medical call |
080 | September 17 | 20:05 | Transport pt. from clinic to BCAS on Denman |
079 | September 13 | 08:46 | Respond to pt. at clinic |
078 | September 11 | 18:20 | DO responds to false alarm |
077 | September 02 | 22:50 | Transport pt. to clinic |
076 | August 31 | 17:33 | Medical call |
075 | August 31 | 11:45 | Medical call cancelled |
074 | August 29 | 15:28 | Transport pt. from home to BCAS on Denman |
073 | August 22 | 21:36 | Extinguish beach fire on Grassy Point |
072 | August 22 | 15:27 | Transport pt. to clinic. |
071 | August 19 | 18:57 | Medical call |
070 | August 18 | 13:05 | Transport pt. from clinic to BCAS at Shingle Spit |
069 | August 17 | 12:36 | RCMP request to DO to check out a bonfire |
068 | August 16 | 22:46 | Transport pt. from home to clinic, then to BCAS at Heli landing strip |
067 | August 16 | 17:26 | Transport pt. from home to BCAS on Denman |
066 | August 11 | 17:13 | Transport pt. to clinic |
065 | August 10 | 20:10 | Transport pt. to clinic |
064 | August 9 | 13:29 | Transport pt. from home to BCAS at Shingle Spit |
063 | August 9 | 02:04 | Deal with beach fire with broken bottles on Big Trib. |
062 | August 8 | 04:17 | Transport pt. to clinic, then to BCAS at Gravelly Bay |
061 | August 4 | 09:19 | Transport pt. to clinic |
060 | August 4 | 0:14 | Transport pt. to clinic then to BCAS at Gravelly Bay |
059 | August 3 | 22:48 | Respond to false building alarm |
058 | August 1 | 18:40 | Transport pt. to clinic |
057 | August 3 | 16:39 | Transport pt. to clinic, then to BCAS as Shingle Spit |
056 | August 3 | 15:33 | Treat and transport pt. to clinic |
055 | August 2 | 20:00 | Standby at Hornby Festival at Olsen’s Farm |
054 | August 1 | 21:28 | Investigate report of smoke in a house |
053 | August 1 | 18:54 | Transport pt. to clinic |
052 | July 28 | 17:38 | Transport pt. from trail to clinic |
051 | July 21 | 14:36 | Transport pt. from truck to clinic |
050 | July 20 | 10:50 | Transport pt. to clinic |
049 | July 20 | 02:01 | Transport pt to clinic |
048 | July 18 | 10:37 | Assist with Heli transport |
047 | July 16 | 21:58 | DO to investigate smoke in neighbourhood. |
046 | July 15 | 18:35 | Prepare pt. for Heli transport |
045 | July 15 | 15:26 | DO to investigate smoke in utility room |
044 | July 14 | 23:00 | Transport pt. to clinic |
043 | July 13 | 14:13 | Transport pt. to clinic |
042 | July 12 | 20:47 | Prepare pt. for BCAS ambulance arrival |
041 | July 07 | 12:13 | Divert traffic from a downed Hydro line |
040 | July 06 | 15:00 | Transport pt. to BCAS on Denman |
039 | July 04 | 11:00 | Transport pt. from home to BCAS at Shingle Spit |
038 | July 01 | 21:30 | Fireworks at the Thatch |
037 | June 30 | 16:00 | Assist RCMP |
036 | June 27 | 11:00 | DO call to check on house owner |
035 | June 11 | 11:33 | Transport pt. from home to BCAS on Shingle Spit |
034 | June 07 | 18:34 | False Fire Alarm due to defective panel |
033 | June 07 | 08:55 | False Fire Alarm |
032 | June 04 | 22:45 | Transport patient from clinic to BCAS on Gravelly Bay. |
031 | May 26 | 13:05 | Exploded RV battery. No fire. |
030 | May 23 | 12:22 | DO call to check out hanging cable wires over road |
029 | May 16 | 18:15 | False alarm for staged MVI |
028 | May 07 | 15:00 | DO call to check out dropped phone call |
027 | Apr 21 | 10:05 | Transport patient from clinic to Heli-BCAS |
026 | Apr 18 | 06:32 | Transport patient from home to BCAS at Shingle Spit. |
025 | Apr 14 | 14:57 | Transport patient from Fire Hall to BCAS at Shingle Spit. |
024 | Apr 13 | 11:38 | Transport patient from campsite to BCAS on Denman Island. |
023 | Apr 11 | 20:57 | Medical call |
022 | Apr 04 | 15:02 | Transport patient from clinic to BCAS at Shingle Spit. |
021 | Apr 10 | 05:40 | Small structural fire, extinguished by occupant. |
020 | Apr 04 | 18:05 | Transport patient from Big Trib. to BCAS at Shingle Spit. |
019 | Mar 30 | 16:30 | Transport patient to clinic then to BCAS at Shingle Spit. |
018 | Mar 19 | 17:57 | Transport from clinic to BCAS at Shingle Spit. |
017 | Mar 16 | 13:37 | Transport pt to clinic, then to BCAS at Shingle Spit. |
016 | Mar 12 | 15:10 | Duty Office call for activated alarm |
015 | Feb 23 | 10:57 | Transport pt from home to clinic, and back again. |
014 | Feb 21 | 09:38 | Transport patient from home to clinic ,then to BCAS at Gravelly Bay. |
013 | Feb 16 | 21:28 | Transport injured patient to clinic for treatment and then back home |
012 | Feb 15 | 03:41 | Medical call |
011 | Feb 11 | 10:00 | Extinguish abandoned log fire on Sandpiper Beach |
010 | Feb 10 | 18:55 | Transport pt from home to clinic, then to BCAS at Gravelly Bay |
009 | Feb 05 | 16:49 | Transport pt from home to BCAS at Shingle Spit. |
008 | Feb 05 | 10:27 | Transport patient from home to clinic and back again. |
007 | Feb 04 | 10:34 | Transport patient from home to BCAS at Gravelly Bay. |
006 | Jan 22 | 15:41 | Transport patient from clinic to BCAS at Gravelly Bay. |
005 | Jan 18 | 18:55 | Transport pt. to clinic, then transfer to BCAS on Denman |
004 | Jan 08 | 15:06 | Respond to burn pile fire |
003 | Jan 03 | 16:44 | Transport pt. to clinic for assessment and back home |
002 | Jan 02 | 19:25 | FR: Call Cancelled |
001 | Jan 01 | 11:30 | Public Service: Polar Bear Swim |