Our Wish List

HIFR members are occasionally approached by islanders asking, “What do you need?”  We are asked about food for our freezers to be used when we have a call-out, donations, and other offers.  Generally we are uncertain as, being an independent sort, we haven’t put much thought into it.  We certainly appreciate the offer.  We just don’t have an answer on the tip of our tongues.  So here we go.  Below is a list of items that are certainly useful and would definitely be appreciated.  Nothing outrageous.  Just items that seem to slip between the cracks when we are working on everything else.  In advance, thank you!

Door chocks

These little wooden blocks are about 5″ long by 2 1/2″ high and are used by fire fighters at motor vehicle incidents and in structure fires.  They inevitably get lost.  Every fire fighter will have 1 or 2 in their bunker gear.  So we are always hunting around the hall for replacements.  We have gotten low again.  If you are of the carpenter mindset and have some ends that could be converted over, we would certainly put 1 or 2 dozen to good use.