On behalf of HIFR, and the entire Hornby Island community, I’d like to congratulate Jac Graham, Rob “Louie” Lewis, Albini Lapierre, and Scott Towson for achieving their FR licenses though the Emergency Medical Assistants Licensing Board.
They dedicated themselves to a 40 hour course then did many more hours of practice before challenging both a written and practical exam. I’d also like to thank Paula Courteau for her many hours of prep and for her excellent instruction, and John Heinegg for doing all of the evaluations.
I could not be more proud of the dedication of this group of volunteers to the health and safety of our community.
Doug Chinnery
Fire Chief
Thank you everyone. You guys are so awesome.
To the first responders and Maggie who helped me late at night on June 27, which happened to be my birthday: Thank you so much! I am on the road to recovery from a broken humerus and subsequent operation and appreciate all of your efforts to help me.
(Can you please make sure these responders and Maggie get this email)
Great news! Jac, Louie, Albini and Scott.