Effective Friday, June 19 at noon, the Coastal Fire Center has lifted the backyard burning ban. There is a recognition that homeowners have piles of forest fuels as a result of Firesmarting their properties and it makes sense to burn them now before the real dry season sets in.
Here on Hornby Island we are a little drier than much of the rest of the coast so we will open up burning in a more limited way. Here are the guidelines:
- Fires must be under 2 meters in diameter
- Branches must be less than 10cm in diameter
- A hose connected to a reliable water source must be standing by
- The burn can happen between 8AM and 8PM
- No permits are required, but please call the fire hall (250.335.2611) to register your burn by leaving your name, address and phone number.
- Burning garbage is not allowed.
- Please be kind to your neighbours by only burning when the venting index is good. https://governmentofbc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=6d288bc667b24528a5c1e3b4c0373d07
Category 3 piles, which are machine-built piles are not permitted. Please call the fire hall if you have any questions.