Captain Rob Zielinski and his wife, Amanda, have just had a 7lb 5oz baby girl! Everyone is healthy and happy. They haven’t decided on a name yet.
Congratulations, Rob and Amanda. We’re all very happy for you.
Fire prevention and department news for Hornby Island Fire Rescue
Captain Rob Zielinski and his wife, Amanda, have just had a 7lb 5oz baby girl! Everyone is healthy and happy. They haven’t decided on a name yet.
Congratulations, Rob and Amanda. We’re all very happy for you.
What a delight! The waiting is over, and now the journey begins. Congrats, Amanda & Rob. I’m sure we will all understand if you yawn during practice 😉 (btw… are going to let her join the department? ;)) )
Congratulations to Rob and Amanda on their new arrival. Looking forward to seeing her in March when I visit the deputy chief. Sleep when you can, it will get better.